GROUPGSA Established for over 30 years, multi-award winning GroupGSA has been voted the number 1 Australia wide integrated Architecture and Interior Practice by the Australian Institute of Architects and NSW Department of State and Regional Development. After working in the China market since 2002 GroupGSA has now established a permanent presence in Shanghai with representatives in Beijing, Hangzhou and Shenzhen. As a multi-award winning design firm, GroupGSA is well placed to deliver design expertise to its Chinese clients across 14 sectors embodying knowledge and commitment to sustainable design. Our China work is headed up by Managing Director Mark Sheldon and Principal Michael Bradley. We look forward to providing our clients with excellent design and commercial outcomes through outstanding personal service. 关于GSA GSA设计集团公司在澳大利亚成立了超过30多年,期间获各类奖项无数, 并在全澳洲建筑师协会和新南威尔士州区域发展部对建筑设计和室内设计公司的综合评分中名列第一位。 自GSA设计集团公司在2002年进入中国建筑设计市场后,目前在北京,上海,深圳和杭州设立了永久性代表处。作为一个多次获奖的设计公司,GSA设计集团公司能通过其拥有的丰富经验和知识为中国客户提供14个设计领域的设计服务,并确保其满足可持续发展理念。我们在中国的项目直接由公司董事总经理马克-谢尔顿先生和中国业务负责人布麦栋先生负责。GSA设计集团公司的国际事务由具有本地经验及客户联系的总经理们负责。 我们期望通过我们出色的个性化服务,为客户提供优质的设计,并为所设计的项目带来丰厚的商业利益。