1. 负责翻译项目进行中的内外部沟通,了解内外部需求;
2. 根据项目要求,制定项目计划,协调内部和外部翻译资源确保翻译任务按时完成;
3. 负责项目风险预估及控制;
4. 负责跟进项目流程规划,作为翻译员与国外项目经理的沟通桥梁,及时将项目经理的要求传达给译员并将译员的反馈搜集整理后报给项目经理;
5. 监控项目进展,及时向内部和外部反馈潜在问题,确保高质量的按时提交;
6. 整理和完善相关项目报表和记录;
7. 负责妥善处理客户投诉,协调内部质量调查,制定质量改善计划
1. 优秀的日语听说读写能力,英语基本读写沟通能力,获日语N2或以上证书,英语CET 4相当水平;
2. 较强的计划能力,协调能力和组织能力;
3.1年以上外贸或流程管理经验, 具有本地化项目管理经验优先;
4. 出色的团队意识; 勇于接受挑战;
5. 熟悉办公软件的使用
Key responsibilities:
Operational Excellence – Contacts freelance translators using the vendor database to staff translation projects. Communicates with manager and/or team on status of requests in a timely fashion. Ensures a high level of accuracy in the vendor database by ensuring Supply Chain update essential information (e.g., booking information, availability, contact info, skills, rates/discounts, performance history.) Supports project activities such as file analysis and preparation, sending prepared information to freelance translators.
Delivers Quality, Value, and Results – Ensures qualified resources are identified by clarifying requirements for resources up front (e.g., specific skills, profile, availability). Monitors schedules of freelancers and alerts manager/team of potential resourcing conflicts (e.g., holidays, vacations.) Highlights new resources and performance histories/skills to team in order to identify the best resource for the project.
Functional Excellence – Actively learns about processes, policies and tools (e.g., vendor database) in order to perform his/her work efficiently and effectively. Learns strategies to identify the best resources for projects (e.g., understanding skills, search/selection techniques, resource planning.)
Relationship Building - Builds strong relationships with team members by demonstrating strong communication skills (e.g., clarifying requirements, providing timely updates). Works collaboratively with the Supply Chain team to ensure updates to the database. Demonstrates a high degree of professionalism when working with external vendors and freelancers.
Skill Required
• Major in Japanese is preferred. Have the certificate of NSS8 or N1 for JLPT.
• English is fluent, CET-6 preferred or at least CET 4.
• Over 1 year working experience with Japanese and English as working languages,Work experience in localization industry can be plus.
• Ability to prioritize and to work to tight deadlines
• Good at planning and result oriented
RWS Holdings plc is a unique, world-leading provider of technology-enabled language, content and intellectual property services. Through content transformation and multilingual data analysis, our unique combination of technology and cultural expertise helps our clients to grow by ensuring they are understood anywhere, in any language.
Our purpose is unlocking global understanding. By combining cultural understanding, client understanding and technical understanding, our services and technology assist our clients to acquire and retain customers, deliver engaging user experiences, maintain compliance and gain actionable insights into their data and content.
We work with over 80% of the world’s top 100 brands, more than three-quarters of Fortune’s 20 ‘Most Admired Companies’ and almost all of the top pharmaceutical companies, investment banks, law firms and patent filers. Our client base spans Europe, Asia Pacific and North and South America. Our 65+ global locations across five continents service clients in the automotive, chemical, financial, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, technology and telecommunications sectors.
Founded in 1958, RWS is headquartered in the UK and publicly listed on AIM, the London Stock Exchange regulated market (RWS.L).
For further information, please visit: www.rws.com.
大数据已上市 1000-9999人
- 热门职位:
- 企业管理咨询招聘 IT咨询顾问招聘 人力资源咨询顾问招聘 咨询项目管理招聘 战略咨询招聘 市场调研招聘 其他咨询顾问招聘 咨询总监招聘 咨询经理招聘 知识产权/专利/商标代理人招聘 心理咨询师招聘 婚恋咨询师招聘 工程咨询招聘 律师招聘 法务招聘 知识产权律师招聘 律师助理招聘 英语翻译招聘 日语翻译招聘 韩语/朝鲜语翻译招聘 法语翻译招聘 德语翻译招聘 俄语翻译招聘 西班牙语翻译招聘 其他语种翻译招聘 其他咨询/翻译类职位招聘
- 推荐公司:
- 北京万古科技 宽连十方 国华担保 广州盈合广告 复旦上科 国盛证券 成思科技 易卖网 红亚科技 车e融 上海小脉传媒科技有限公司 绵阳市精诚投资管理有限公司 浙江种源之力生物科技有限公司招聘 北京三溢科技咨询有限公司 孚朗格SIPOQ产品部专员招聘 沙湾威根汽车美容汽车美容店店长助理招聘 淘宝客服兴国招聘 永嘉玲珑瑕电子科技有限公司 甘肃省德龙实业有限公司 上海研发部实习生招聘 长兴培强物资有限公司 海南四季飘香农业有限公司 亿客餐饮服务(深圳)有限公司 保定会计授课招聘 淘宝客服荔湾区河沙招聘 徐州隽峰国际贸易有限公司 兴化市远大起重设备有限公司 东莞市素强贸易有限公司 祥凡电影放映检票员招聘 江阴市双鼎纸制品有限公司