
Java架构师 - 风控 - Korea based


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coupang ·Principal Recruiter


Coupang Pay, a fintech subsidiary of Coupang Corp., offers payment gateway services that have been developed and customized to meet the growing needs of our customers. Coupang Pay is focused on providing innovative payment and financial service solutions to all people and businesses that use Coupang’s platforms, ranging from the customers who make a purchase on coupang.com and use Coupang Eats service, the merchants who sell on Coupang’s open market platform and the restaurants that use Coupang Eats delivery service. Coupang Pay strives to innovate all of our customers’ payment-related experiences with the team members who have the most diverse fintech experiences and have a good understanding of Coupang’s businesses. Want to know more about Coupang Pay? Please join in the journey of Coupang Pay.
Risk Engineering team provides the next level platform and framework related to security, compliance, etc. in preparation for negative risks so that the fintech business teams can achieve success.

Key Responsibilities:
Design and implement risk engineering systems for Coupang Pay
Integrate AI and ML technologies into various systems such as Fraud Detection System (FDS) and Anti-money Laundering (AML) System to ensure the secure protection of customer data. Develop technologies and features for the sustainable delivery of financial services.
Develop systems that ensure continuous financial services while safely protecting customer data.
Communicate with the stakeholders of risk engineering systems to design and implement systems that comply with laws and regulations
Build the risk engineering systems in the Coupang Pay environment and provide services to relevant development teams
Collaborate with other tech leaders of Coupang to identify and scale the services that can mitigate negative risks
Identify and disseminate best practices to the team

Basic Qualifications:
A team player
Sophisticated knowledge in Java (Kotlin), Spring and MSA environments
Experience in dealing with and resolving the issues that occur when an organization grows in size and the systems get complicated
6+ years of experience in designing and implementing backend architecture
Strong coding skill - OOP and scripting language
Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or other related tech fields

Preferred Qualifications:
Experience in software development in a fintech organization
Experience in security or compliance-related system development
Strong background in cloud services (docker, K8S and AWS/ Google/ Azure)
Experience in company-wide application of API Gateway and Service Mesh
Strong knowledge in Java, distributed systems, micro services, messaging services
The ability to handle multiple competing priorities in a fast-changing environment
Good understanding of the agile software development methods


2018年 收入额总计约40亿美元,比2017年增长约67%
2020年 我们的收入额增长超过90%,达到约120亿美元
2021年 在纽交所上市,成为美股历史上第五大科技类IPO。 2021年,我们的年收入同比增长约54%,超过180亿美元。
2022年10月,Coupang在台湾推出Rocket Delivery服务,包括Rocket Delivery和Rocket Overseas。
我们的Coupang Pay一键付款服务为顾客提供便捷的付款解决方案。Dawn Delivery次晨达方便顾客在午夜前订购数百万种Rocket 产品,并在次晨7点前收到。Rocket Fresh在顾客订购后的几小时内就将新鲜的有机食品送达。

• 开放环境:扁平组织、开放氛围
• 休闲空间:办公室休闲空间可供自由地办公、讨论和放松
• 弹性工作制:时间灵活,无需打卡,结果导向
• 国际化氛围:中/韩/美汇集全球顶尖人才,畅享合作交流
• 节日福利&团队活动:派对、团建和多样的员工俱乐部
• 学习发展:免费外语课程、在线技术资源、专业技能分享
作为一家全球化公司,我们的办公室遍布北京、洛杉矶、西雅图、首尔、新加坡、上海、硅谷、台北、香港、深圳、班加罗尔。截止2021年底,中国有近700名员工,并持续增长。 我们专注研发,设计创新的技术解决方案,推动各方面业务的快速发展(包括前端页面、搜索与发现、 供应链等)。我们的团队有工程师、数据科学家、产品经理等,并持续热招中。我们挑战平凡、 积极主动、快速成长。加入我们,成就未来。



法定代表人:程娟 注册资本:2105万美元
成立日期:2015-11-16 经营状态:存续




电子商务不需要融资 1000-9999人


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