Role: Solutions Architect
Location: Shanghai
• Interact with internal and external customers to capture business requirements and with internal product owners and third-party vendors to understand technical capability details.
• Serve as a key technical team member to interpret and evaluate business requirements and propose technology solutions.
• Work in cross-functional teams (engineering, quality assurance, operations, product management, project management, and business) to develop new solutions.
• Work with global architecture teams to understand companywide architectural standards and best practices and apply them to local product solutions.
• Create solutions specifications, flow diagrams, and other relevant technical documents. Prioritize implementation phases based on customer input.
• Evaluate and prototype APIs for third-party integrations.
• Understand content formats, management, and delivery, and be able to solve problems raised during the localization process.
• Understand business models and translate them into either product configurations or specifications for new implementations.
• Support China business teams with technical knowledge as required, including providing demonstrations and consulting on technology feasibility.
• Present product capabilities and solutions to internal teams and prospects as needed.
• Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a similar field of study. A master’s degree is preferred.
• Five or more years of experience in software development and three or more years of in a business analyst or solutions architect role.
• Hands-on knowledge of XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web services, SQL, RESTful API, and SpringBoot.
• Experience in project management techniques or demonstrable experience managing new development to completion.
• Strong critical thinking and analytical skills, and a motivated learner.
• Ability to collaborate with multiple stakeholders in multiple time zones.
• Ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written English and Mandarin.
• Previous knowledge and experience with research publishing management and workflow are a plus.
Location: Shanghai
• Interact with internal and external customers to capture business requirements and with internal product owners and third-party vendors to understand technical capability details.
• Serve as a key technical team member to interpret and evaluate business requirements and propose technology solutions.
• Work in cross-functional teams (engineering, quality assurance, operations, product management, project management, and business) to develop new solutions.
• Work with global architecture teams to understand companywide architectural standards and best practices and apply them to local product solutions.
• Create solutions specifications, flow diagrams, and other relevant technical documents. Prioritize implementation phases based on customer input.
• Evaluate and prototype APIs for third-party integrations.
• Understand content formats, management, and delivery, and be able to solve problems raised during the localization process.
• Understand business models and translate them into either product configurations or specifications for new implementations.
• Support China business teams with technical knowledge as required, including providing demonstrations and consulting on technology feasibility.
• Present product capabilities and solutions to internal teams and prospects as needed.
• Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a similar field of study. A master’s degree is preferred.
• Five or more years of experience in software development and three or more years of in a business analyst or solutions architect role.
• Hands-on knowledge of XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web services, SQL, RESTful API, and SpringBoot.
• Experience in project management techniques or demonstrable experience managing new development to completion.
• Strong critical thinking and analytical skills, and a motivated learner.
• Ability to collaborate with multiple stakeholders in multiple time zones.
• Ability to communicate effectively in both spoken and written English and Mandarin.
• Previous knowledge and experience with research publishing management and workflow are a plus.
John Wiley & Sons,Inc.公司成立于1807年,是世界范围内科学、技术和医学(STM)类的出版商. 甲方。非外包职位。美资外企,不加班,不卷,团队技术氛围好。
公司注重work life balance,6月-8月有happy Friday,周五下午可以自由活动,健身或者回家休息;9月开始Focus Friday,每周五下午可以自己安排技术学习。公司提供各种在线教育培训资源。

学术/科研已上市 10000人以上
- 热门职位:
- 芯片测试工程师招聘 系统集成招聘 大模型算法招聘 测试工程师招聘 网络工程师招聘 C#招聘 项目专员/助理招聘 实施工程师招聘 Java招聘 UE4招聘 数据架构师招聘 驱动开发工程师招聘 运维工程师招聘 模拟IC设计工程师招聘 自然语言处理算法招聘 光网络工程师招聘 核心网工程师招聘 集成电路IC设计招聘 系统管理员招聘 Python招聘 PHP招聘 数字前端设计师招聘 系统工程师招聘 FPGA开发招聘 运维总监招聘 算法工程师招聘 系统安全招聘 自动驾驶系统工程师招聘 PCB工程师招聘 通信研发工程师招聘
- 推荐公司:
- 广西超霸能源有限公司 河南省成众实业有限公司招聘 南京祛痘护肤顾问招聘 深圳风控招聘 广州升成机电工程有限公司 青岛鑫凯润电器有限公司 苏州舒康电子科技有限公司 哈尔滨香霖农业科技有限公司 吴江奇斯纺织有限公司 北京丰台区物流管培生招聘 大连清源企业管理有限公司 深圳市欣万辉电子有限公司 青岛城阳区炒锅招聘 山西新思路科技有限公司 江西筑城建材有限公司 深圳市雅丝斐尔服饰有限公司 上海沁飞实业有限公司 郑州禄源祥汽车销售有限公司 衡阳昊宇商业管理有限公司 花忆咖啡玖捌空间西餐厅服务员招聘 邱县驰通包装箱销售有限公司 深圳创意设计专家招聘 贝壳陆家嘴中心招聘 晋城黄源四十里铺羊肉面招聘 无锡鹏威电子科技有限公司 舟山市定海帮达咨询有限公司 惠州聚咏皮具制品有限公司 郑州鑫茂建材有限公司 抚州销售对接员招聘 杭州吉祥馄饨店店长招聘