URBAN ELEPHANT has focused on urban developments in the Pearl River Delta since our founding in 2009, undertaking a variety of urban projects including architecture, landscape, urban design and conceptual planning, working to improve the urban environment and its spatial qualities. UE Design Lab in San Francisco is set up for international design experiments, focused on environmental design and urban renovation. Major project types include cultural, recreational and educational public facilities. In addition to practice, we conduct research-based projects on traditional architecture and historical town layouts. Urban Elephant believes that each site has its own stories, and that only when these are revealed through planning and design can the project be truly successful. 理想的城市空间应该是多元共享的,与自然交融的,能激发想象力的,并让人们能在日常生活中感受到设计的适度关怀的。 象城建筑 自2009年成立以来,通过建筑、景观和城市设计,改善城市生活的空间质量,增加环境的趣味性。我们的项目以珠三角城市的公共项目为主,类型丰富,包括休闲、文体、校园、办公和会展。同时也包含民居研究、古镇研究、老建筑修缮与改建等学术型项目。象城建筑美国旧金山办公室致力于国际视野下的设计试验,关注以设计激发城市活力和改善城市生活环境。 每个项目的背后都有不同的推动力,面向不同的使用群体;每个基地都蕴藏着独一无二的故事,只有当规划和设计巧妙而深刻地昭示这些特质,才能获得历史的认同。无论项目复杂程度如何,这都是象城建筑设计的出发点和回归点。 如需了解本公司更多项目情况,欢迎访问公司网站 http://labelefant.com/