EADG founded in 1981, has been considered as one of the most representative companies in landscape and urban design field with excellent designers from all over the world.<br>自从1981年成立以来,泛亚国际累计了二十多年的国际经验,已被认为是亚洲景观设计业内其中一所最具代表性的事务所,拥有来自各个国家国际顶尖设计师和规划师。<br><br>Interested applicants please submit your CVs(both in English and Chinese version)to the E-mail to us.<br>All applicants' CVs should be both in English and Chinese.<br>应聘者请将个人简历(中英文)发送至所述邮箱。<br>所有应聘者的简历要求务必是中英文的, 请一定同时提交英文简历!<br><br>Entry level will be adjusted in accordance with the applicants'relevant experience.<br>我们会根据应聘者的相关经验进行筛选。