Databox is a records management industry leader, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to help streamline document management, simplify legal compliance, improve security and save money for our corporate clients. Our main business division is physical document storage. In China, Databox was founded in 2003 and we have expanded our presence to 6 major cities across the country. We serve companies involved in a variety of industries, both local and multinational. 德保档案文件管理作为文件管理的行业领先者,为企业客户提供一整套的全面服务,有计划地优化文件管理流程,简化法律规程,提高安全性,并节约开支。我们的主要业务是档案的物理存储。 德保在中国成立于2003年,现已扩展到全国6大主要城市。我们的服务对象包括不同行业的本地企业以及跨国公司。 Web / 公司网址 Interested candidates pls send CV in English and Chinese, including contact means and expected salary to: 应聘者请将个人中英文简历包括联络方式及期望薪资,以电子邮件方式发至: Job Location: Wangjing,Beiing Chaoyang District 工作地点:北京市朝阳区望京