Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. is a leading global provider of integrated technology solutions, which optimize the precision and productivity of vacuum process tools used in the manufacture of semiconductors, data storage products, flat panel displays and other advanced applications in multiple industry sectors. Leveraging its transformative technologies expertise, AE builds critical subsystems, including power management, temperature sensing, dynamic temperature control, gas delivery management, process monitoring and machine control tools, and ion-beam sources. 美国AE公司成立于1981年,并于1995年在美国Nasdaq股票市场上市,成为公众股份制公司。AE公司致力于研究和生产基于等离子状态下薄膜沉积和刻蚀工艺的开关电源,产品主要包括直流电源、直流脉冲电源、低频、中频、射频电源、离子源、质量流量计、温度测量和控制器和相关的测试仪器。优仪半导体设备(上海)有限公司是AE公司于2002年在上海张江高科技园区投资注册的独资子公司。现提供职位。