Ally Systems成立于2012年,深耕于以安防系统集成为主的弱电工程领域,工程遍布全国各大城市:北到长春,南到三亚,东到上海,西到乌鲁木齐。同时,公司非常注重创新,有自己的技术团队,专业从事核心产品的开发和测试等。公司以“专业,专注,用心”为核心价值,一切以客户需求为导向,向客户提供一站式系统集成服务。 我们向客户定制整体解决方案,主要包括:视频监控系统(Video Surveillance System )、防盗报警系统(Intrusion Alarm System)、门禁控制系统(Access Control System)、电子商品防盗系统(EAS)、公共广播系统(Public Address System)、客流统计系统(People Counting System)、数字多媒体系统(Digital Signal System)、网络系统(Network System)和其他系统集成(Other Integration Systems)等。 公司需要发展,必须有优秀的人才支撑;优秀的人才要实现自我价值,必须有一个能让您尽情演绎的平台。 我们期待您的加入,让我们一起开疆辟土,尽情实现我们的人生价值吧! Ally Systems was founded in 2012, focusing on Low Voltage Engineering, especially Security Systems Integration. Our projects cover all over the mainland of China, from Changchun to Sanya, from Shanghai to Urumqi. Innovation is quite important, we have our own technical team to do research on some essential products. We provide one stop system integration service to our customers to fully meet their requirements, that’s why more and more customers prefer to work with us. We customize total solutions, including Video Surveillance System, Intrusion Alarm System, Access Control System, Electronic Article Surveillance System, Public Address System, People Counting System, Digital Signal System, Network System and others. We need you, at the same time, you also need us. Why not join us? Let’s do some differences together!