Dingyun International Trading Ltd, has focus on the rubber industry more than 20 years. Leading of the domestic solution provider, Technical drive in the metal & rubber adhesive, also the solution provider of the release coating. As the distributor of the Dow Corning and McLube, Dingyun has a nice grow up and sale expectation in the future. Dingyun offer the quality product and excellent service to customer and make the customer’s finish goods more competitive. Welcome to join in DingYun. 鼎匀国际贸易(上海)有限公司,是一家专业经营橡胶化工原料的贸易公司,拥有自主品牌,实力雄厚,主要服务于橡胶制品行业。公司主要经营代理销售陶氏Dow硫化橡胶与金属胶粘剂、模可离McLube聚氨酯脱模剂等系列产品,在传统橡胶行业拥有核心技术实力。公司致力于不断完善橡胶粘接方案和客户服务能力,积极配合于各橡胶制品企业,通过降低成本,提高质量,愿与各橡胶制品企业建立长期合作关系,从而提高企业市场竞争力。