世界贸易中心协会(WTCA)成立于1970年,它是一个非营利、非政治性机构,致力于世界贸易中心(WTCs)的建立和有效运营,并以此促进国际贸易和投资。世界贸易中心协会全球网络包括近100个国家的300多个世界贸易中心,这些世界贸易中心向成千上万的会员和客户提供服务,帮助他们开拓客源,寻找供货商和投资机会。世界贸易中心协会北京代表处将成为一个联络办公室对中国和亚太其它地区的世界贸易中心会员提供会员支持,本地化协会主要文件界面,加强商标保护,并推广协会以贸易和投资促进繁荣的使命。 The World Trade Centers Association, Inc. (WTCA) is a not-for-profit, non-political membership organization dedicated to the establishment and successful operation of World Trade Centers (WTCs) as instruments for the global expansion of trade and investment. WTCA is headquartered in New York City, USA. WTCA’s vast network is formed by members in more than 300 cities in nearly 100 countries. Served by each of these World Trade Centers is a growing list of an estimated hundreds of thousands of businesses all in pursuit of new customers, sources of supply and opportunities for investment. WTCA’s Beijing Representative Office is going to work as a liaison office to strengthen membership services to the WTCs in China and the rest of Asia Pacific region, localize major WTCA documentation, monitor the trademark protection in the region, and promote WTCA’s commitment to prosperity through trade and investment.