科胜讯宽带通讯(上海)有限公司 美国科胜讯国际有限公司是全球十大无工厂IC设计公司之一,在宽带通讯、企业网和数字家庭领域的芯片技术处于世界领导地位。科胜讯宽带通讯(上海)有限公司是美国科胜讯国际有限公司在上海高科技园区投资建立的独资企业,是科胜讯国际有限公司在中国建立的第一个设计中心,主要产品为宽带通信类芯片和视频类芯片的开发,包括集成电路芯片设计、嵌入式软件开发以及硬件设计等等,目前专注的方向是数字电视以及宽带多媒体信息处理。上海设计中心将整合科胜讯多年积累的数字通讯、家庭媒体的IP开展从芯片到系统的数字电视整体技术开发,以领先的前沿技术创导行业科技的进步。北京设计中心主要从事无线通讯、VOIP产品研究开发。 Conexant is a worldwide leader in semiconductor solutions for broadband communications, enterprise networks and the digital home. Conexant's merger with GlobespanVirata in February 2004 created an industry powerhouse that enables the seamless delivery of broadband information between public access networks and the homes and businesses they serve. Key semiconductor products include digital subscriber line (DSL) and cable modem solutions, home network processors, broadcast video encoders and decoders, digital set-top box components and systems solutions, and the company's foundation dial-up modem business. Conexant also provides a full range of standards-based integrated circuits, software and reference designs for all symmetric and asymmetric DSL CO applications, which have been recognized as the industry's number one copperwire solutions for broadband communications. Conexant is one of the top 10 leading fabless IC suppliers (source: IC Insights’ Strategic Reviews Database 2003). To support our business expansion, we invite high caliber candidates to fill the following positions in our Shanghai Design Centre / Office and Beijing Design Centre: