华美科技公司成立于2001 年, 主要从事电子商务、网上销售,针对美国客户。总部位于美国西部洛杉矶。<br />Our Store Location: 9909 Valley Blvd. El Monte, CA 91731<br /><br />华美公司最初销售家具,不仅在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶有实体店,还有公司内部的十几个网站以及eBay店铺等,已经成长为在加州南部独树一帜的经销商。2005年涉足电子商务,现在已经是电商主玩家,公司正在逐步扩大业务范围,涉及家具、饰品、服装、鞋帽、品牌包等,拥有成千上万的客户。公司在洛杉矶有自己的送货车和仓库,在整个加州南部拥有数以万计的国际家具品牌。<br /><br />华美公司在其洛杉矶的店铺和仓库有全职员工数十名,在中国办事处也有50多名。正是因为有了这样一批才华横溢、经验丰富的员工和先进信息系统的支持,华美公司才具备了完善的营销,运输,服务体系。华美的成长与发展既有短期计划,也有长期目标。<br /><br />Metro Furniture is a major volume furniture seller in Southern California for over 10 years!<br />We carries a multitude of brands from around the world, and also some famous home furnishings brands such as Acme Furniture, Ashley Furniture, Broyhill Furniture, Powell, Coaster, Fairmont Designs, Homelegance, Poundex, Crown Mark, Good Trading, Atlantic Furniture, Import Direct, Best Quality, US Furniture, and many more domestic and international brands. The brands mentioned here are just a few of those that we offer - at our web sites, we are committed to providing our customer with a wide selection of exceptional high-quality brands to choose from.<br /><br />We have the websites:<br />www.adarn.com<br />www.postfurniture.com<br />www.wendyusa.com<br />etc.