We look far ahead to see and shape the future of mobility. Our goal is to continuously find better ways to bridge distances and bring people together. Across cities, countries and the globe. This is our passion. As the world’s only manufacturer of planes and trains, we’ve built an extensive and diverse portfolio of winning mobility solutions. Everywhere people travel by land and in the air, a Bombardier product is ready to transport them. From category-defining business jets and commercial aircraft designed for the challenges of today, to sleek high speed trains and public transit that’s smarter than ever. But it’s not just our products and services that make us a global leader. The most important success factor is our employees, all 71,700 of them. Together we’re focused on the same objective. Propelling mobility forward by answering the call to make it more efficient, sustainable and inviting than ever before. We call it The Evolution of Mobility. We are headquartered in Montréal, Canada. Our shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD) and we are listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012, we posted revenues of $16.8 billion USD. Bombardier Aerospace With more than 35,500 employees and a leadership position in global markets, Bombardier Aerospace designs, manufactures and supports innovative aviation products for the business, commercial, specialized and amphibious aircraft markets. We have the most comprehensive aircraft portfolio and we hold the number one position in business and regional aircraft. Our high-performance aircraft and services set the standard of excellence in several markets, including: Business aircraft - Learjet, Challenger and Global aircraft families Commercial aircraft - new CSeries program, CRJ Series and Q-Series aircraft families Amphibious aircraft - Bombardier 415 and Bombardier 415 MP aircraft Jet travel solutions - Flexjet Specialized aircraft solutions - Bombardier aircraft modified for special missions Aircraft services and training - aircraft parts, maintenance, comprehensive training, technical support and publications, and online services Bombardier Transportation With 64 production and engineering sites in 26 countries and 19 service centres at customer premises across the world, Bombardier Transportation is the global leader in the rail industry. We cover the full spectrum of rail solutions, ranging from complete trains to sub-systems, maintenance services, system integration and signalling. Our installed base of rolling stock exceeds 100,000 rail cars and locomotives worldwide. Our 36,000 employees continue a proud tradition of delivering ingenious rail transportation solutions, including: Rail vehicles - automated people movers, monorails, light rail vehicles, advanced rapid transit, metros, commuter/regional trains, intercity/high-speed trains and locomotives Propulsion and controls - complete product portfolio for applications ranging from trolley buses to freight locomotives Bogies - product portfolio for the entire range of rail vehicles Services - fleet maintenance, operations and maintenance (O&M), vehicle refurbishment and modernization, and material management Transportation systems - customized “design-build-operate-maintain” transportation system solutions Rail control solutions - advanced signalling solutions for mass transit and mainline systems 庞巴迪在中国 庞巴迪与中国的合作始于二十世纪五十年代,几十年以来随着制造、技术及人员各领域的合作加强,目前庞巴迪的铁路运输和航空产品已广泛应用于中国各大主要市场。 庞巴迪公司始终致力于作为负责任的公司、雇主、社区成员和商业合作伙伴责无旁贷地 前进。庞巴迪加入《联合国全球契约》,全力支持该契约作为全球最大的企业公民计划 在人权、劳工、环境和反腐败领域的10项原则。 庞巴迪宇航集团 庞巴迪的宇航业务正处于高速发展当中,客户数和交付量近几年都实现了快速稳步增长。我们也越来越关注在中国市场的研发和制造机会,目前,庞巴迪宇航集团已经与众多商用航空公司建立了长期合作关系,包括山东航空公司、上海航空公司、立荣航空公司、中国东方航空云南公司、和华夏航空公司等,现有38架庞巴迪制造的商用飞机在中国运营。 中国是当今世界上几个新兴的公务航空市场之一。全球化发展的趋势、商务人士不断增长的旅行需求以及人们对公务飞机认知度的不断提升,都在加速中国公务航空市场的发展。 作为中国市场上领先的公务机制造商,庞巴迪公司于2009年7月向中国大陆地区的用户交付了第一架环球快车5000公务机,并于2010年3月分别向中国大陆地区的私人用户交付了首架里尔60XR飞机和挑战者850飞机。这一系列具有里程碑意义的交付活动,意味着庞巴迪公司在中国市场上又迈出了重要的一步,庞巴迪公务机在中国市场的业务也在不断地增长。 庞巴迪宇航集团与中国制造商结成了一个相互信任、紧密合作的战略联盟,近年来双方已在Q400和C系列飞机上签署了多个合作协议。究其历史,庞巴迪飞机的一些部件由中国本土转包商制造更是已有25年之久。有关这些战略联盟的更多信息,请访问我们的本地合作伙伴和供应商网页。 More information about Bombardier China http://cn.bombardier.com/cn/about_bombardier_in_country.html