DDG is an American brand consultancy with 21 years experience helping corporations in the greater China region to build internationally competitive brand strategies, communications, identities and media relationships. DDG身为拥有21年经验的美国品牌咨询顾问公司,致力于帮助大中华地区的企业,打造具有国际竞争力的品牌战略、沟通策划、视觉设计及媒体关系。 Since 1994, DDG’s headquarter in Taipei has worked with over 250 corporations build competitive brands in profitable niche segments. In 2011, the firm established a representative office in Shanghai. DDG is now looking to expand its footprint in mainland China by adding a PR Executive. 自1994年以来,DDG于台北设立总部,现已为超过250家企业,在利基市场中,打造具有国际竞争力的品牌。2011年,DDG在中国上海设立了代表处,现在DDG正要通过增加媒体关系人才来扩大DDG在中国大陆的版图。 DDG prides itself on a creative, fast-paced and open working environment that encourages all employees to contribute their ideas to the success of project work and the company. To learn more about us please visit www.ddg.com.tw. DDG自豪于我们拥有极具创意、快速步调及开放工作环境,并鼓励所有员工贡献自己的想法,来成就项目工作及公司。想要了解更多,请造访 www.ddg.com.tw