ESCHA是一家立足于工业自动化接插连接线缆及其相关技术服务的德国企业。25年来,作为行业创新的领头人,我们不断开发新产品,为全世界的客户提供高品质的产品和服务。我们坚信,唯有优质的产品和个性化的服务,ESCHA才能在工业自动化配件领域处于不败之地。我们的优势是基于标准产品,为客户提供满足其个性化需求的极具成本竞争优势的多样化产品和专业的技术服务。公司为在中国进一步发展,已于2012年12月在上海投资设立了一家子公司——艾查工业自动化产品(上海)有限公司,2014年工厂正式运营,现诚邀相关人才的加入。公司网址 ESCHA which is a German company has stood for quality and highest competence in the field of connectivity and enclosure technology for more than 25 years. As the innovation leader, we periodically realize product novelties, which bring dynamics to the automation-components market. Our strength is to provide the wide variety and professional service. Based on familiar standard products, we modify the components according to our customers’ individual requirements with low costs. In December 2012, ESCHA has invested a new subsidiary in Shanghai for develop further in China.New factory will operate in 2014. Now we look forward to your joining. We will offer better wage & welfare, if you are employed. We look forward to your attention and joining. Please visit us at