Kinetics is one of the world's largest global provider of integrated, high-purity process systems and the only company offering a full array of design, manufacture, and installation services to the electronics and biopharmaceutical industries with an unparalleled 30 years of experience around the world. 凯耐第斯工艺系统(上海)有限公司是美国着名凯耐第斯集团在中国的全资子公司,在半导体、生物制药和其他高科技行业高科技制造厂房承包领域占世界领先地位。为超高纯介质输送系统,水处理系统,用于电子行业、生物技术、医药行业的工艺系统,洁净室,电气系统,暖通机械系统等提供设计、施工、和运营等服务。欢迎光临我公司网站。 请尽快将中英文个人简历(请注明期望薪资)发送邮件至本公司邮箱。(请以附件形式发送)或传真至本公司。非中介,不收费 Kinetics Process Systems (Shanghai) Ltd.