集合创智TEAMIDEA是一家专注品牌整体形象推广策划与创意设计的专业服务机构。我们一群活力充沛的8090后,每一个人都在各自的专业领域奋力拼搏了十年以上的职业能手,就像集合创智TEAMIDEA的名称一样(TEAM 团队 + IDEA 创意)集合大家团队的力量和智慧创造出一个一个具价值的创意作品。我们认为一切不以商业为目的的品牌策划设计都是耍流氓。在目前越来越激烈的品牌市场竞争环境下如何把“品牌形象+营销策略”强有力的结合在一起才是决定能否在战场上获得胜利的钥匙。
广西回南天传媒科技有限公司创立于2017年,是广西集合创智机构旗下子公司之一。致力探寻身边的美好事物,带领读者“回到南方最美的一天”,故名:回南天。回南天创立后以城市生活、人文旅游、艺术建筑、城市记忆、潮人专访等内容获得诸多行业内外人士及粉丝的关注青睐, 粉丝质量、黏性、互动性较高,对生活品质有一定要求。
TEAMIDEA is a focus on overall brand promotion planning and creative design of the professional services company. We are a group of energetic after 8090, Every one is a very professional designers with more than 10 years experience. Like the name is TEAMIDEA (TEAM + IDEA) collection all team's strength and wisdom to create a lot of valuable creative works.
In the current increasingly fierce brand competition in the market environment how the "brand + marketing strategy" strong together is decided whether the key to victory on the battlefield.查看全部
集合创智TEAMIDEA是一家专注品牌整体形象推广策划与创意设计的专业服务机构。我们一群活力充沛的8090后,每一个人都在各自的专业领域奋力拼搏了十年以上的职业能手,就像集合创智TEAMIDEA的名称一样(TEAM 团队 + IDEA 创意)集合大家团队的力量和智慧创造出一个一个具价值的创意作品。我们认为一切不以商业为目的的品牌策划设计都是耍流氓。在目前越来越激烈的品牌市场竞争环境下如何把“品牌形象+营销策略”强有力的结合在一起才是决定能否在战场上获得胜利的钥匙。
广西回南天传媒科技有限公司创立于2017年,是广西集合创智机构旗下子公司之一。致力探寻身边的美好事物,带领读者“回到南方最美的一天”,故名:回南天。回南天创立后以城市生活、人文旅游、艺术建筑、城市记忆、潮人专访等内容获得诸多行业内外人士及粉丝的关注青睐, 粉丝质量、黏性、互动性较高,对生活品质有一定要求。
TEAMIDEA is a focus on overall brand promotion planning and creative design of the professional services company. We are a group of energetic after 8090, Every one is a very professional designers with more than 10 years experience. Like the name is TEAMIDEA (TEAM + IDEA) collection all team's strength and wisdom to create a lot of valuable creative works.
In the current increasingly fierce brand competition in the market environment how the "brand + marketing strategy" strong together is decided whether the key to victory on the battlefield.