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  • 公司简介

The Little Lions brand was born in November 2016, UK. It’s a premium early year’s family members club which adopts an integrated learning curriculum.
The vision of The Little Lions is to be a global company that provides excellent services and facilities to families. The Little Lions strive to be a place where children and adults can learn and create a stronger family bond. At the moment, besides Changzhou store, UK, Hongkong and Dubai stores are on the planning.
The Little Lions adopts an integrated learning curriculum to meet every child's needs. Our centre will use a combination of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework as a guideline for activity planning and the Montessori approach in teaching children independence and practical life skills. Every activity is customized to cater to various learning methods. Our layout is carefully constructed to ensure a safe environment for children to learn through play and promote risk-taking. We are a premium family centre for families with their children aged six months to five years. We also provide the best facilities in the market for families to have a great time.

The Little Lions 品牌2016年11月创立于英国伦敦,旨在通过家庭俱乐部的形式,为6个月至6岁的儿童及其家庭提供兼具教育性、娱乐性及舒适性的完美亲子空间。The Little Lions常州为本品牌在中国的首家旗舰店,主要采用中外合作的模式,由英方进行产品设计及课程研发,中方则负责市场及运营。目前,除了常州旗舰店,香港、迪拜,英国等地的中心也在陆续筹备之中。我们将逐步在全球范围内推广我们的亲子理念,致力将最好的亲子体验带给每一个家庭。
The Little Lions的课程将使用英国的早期教育系统EYFS作为指导,旨在培养每个孩子的独立能力和生活技能。The Little Lions在确保孩子安全和舒适的前提下,最大程度还原了欧式建筑风格,使每个孩子在踏入The Little Lions的那一刻就仿佛置身于童话小镇。他们可以在这样的环境下探索、冒险,在嬉戏玩耍中主动学习。我们相信,The Little Lions会成为孩子们童年美丽回忆中重要的一部分。查看全部



  • 公司简介


The Little Lions brand was born in November 2016, UK. It’s a premium early year’s family members club which adopts an integrated learning curriculum.
The vision of The Little Lions is to be a global company that provides excellent services and facilities to families. The Little Lions strive to be a place where children and adults can learn and create a stronger family bond. At the moment, besides Changzhou store, UK, Hongkong and Dubai stores are on the planning.
The Little Lions adopts an integrated learning curriculum to meet every child's needs. Our centre will use a combination of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework as a guideline for activity planning and the Montessori approach in teaching children independence and practical life skills. Every activity is customized to cater to various learning methods. Our layout is carefully constructed to ensure a safe environment for children to learn through play and promote risk-taking. We are a premium family centre for families with their children aged six months to five years. We also provide the best facilities in the market for families to have a great time.

The Little Lions 品牌2016年11月创立于英国伦敦,旨在通过家庭俱乐部的形式,为6个月至6岁的儿童及其家庭提供兼具教育性、娱乐性及舒适性的完美亲子空间。The Little Lions常州为本品牌在中国的首家旗舰店,主要采用中外合作的模式,由英方进行产品设计及课程研发,中方则负责市场及运营。目前,除了常州旗舰店,香港、迪拜,英国等地的中心也在陆续筹备之中。我们将逐步在全球范围内推广我们的亲子理念,致力将最好的亲子体验带给每一个家庭。
The Little Lions的课程将使用英国的早期教育系统EYFS作为指导,旨在培养每个孩子的独立能力和生活技能。The Little Lions在确保孩子安全和舒适的前提下,最大程度还原了欧式建筑风格,使每个孩子在踏入The Little Lions的那一刻就仿佛置身于童话小镇。他们可以在这样的环境下探索、冒险,在嬉戏玩耍中主动学习。我们相信,The Little Lions会成为孩子们童年美丽回忆中重要的一部分。

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