法之时是一家超过二十年历史的公司,是跨国家以及极具创新性的指针式电子表公司。我们在瑞士、巴黎、纽约、中国香港和中国深圳都有分支机构。我们一直专注于发展中高档手表品牌以及手表授权,而随着科技发展,我们也向着新科技转型,发展用于手表行业供应链管理的Fins Solution以及智能手表产品。因此我们现在需要寻求新人才,注入新鲜血液来协助公司维持蓬勃的发展。我们将为合适的人才提供极具竞争力的薪酬福利条件以及综合的附加福利。
We are a company with more than 20 years old well-established multi-national and innovative analog watch company, based in Switzerland, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, China & Shenzhen, China. We are focusing on servicing and developing middle to high end watch brands & watch licenses, as technology developed, we are also focusing on Fins Solution for watch industry supply chain management, and smart watch product. We are now looking for new talents to achieve our goal and growth. We Offer competitive remuneration package with comprehensive fringe benefits to the right candidate.