HYdesign(华言设计)成立于2009年,致力于品牌策略、视觉系统、包装开发、空间导视、印刷品、新媒体等相关设计领域。HYdesign的工作强调图形化设计思维与表达;关照设计系统的相关度和差异度;坚持原创和独立思考以保持设计的鲜活生命力。在整个设计生长周期内,我 们始终如一地对待每个环节。长期以来,HYdesign与客户建立了战友般的关系,主要服务客户包括:杭州地铁、浙江大学、中国湿地博物馆、越秀地产、康恩贝、珍视明、浙西大峡谷等。
HYdesign,which was founded in 2009, is committed to brand strategy, vision system, packaging development, space guiding, printing, new media and other related design fields. HYdesign’s work emphasizes the thinking and expression of graphical design, pays attention to the relevance and difference degree of the system design, insists on the original and independent thinking to keep the freshness of the design. During the design cycle, we treat each step consistently. For a long time, HYdesign has established comrades-in-arms relationship with the customer, it’s main services clients include: Hangzhou metro, Zhejiang University, National wetland museum of China, Yuexiu property, CONBA, ZSM, Grand Canyon Western Zhejiang.