睿趣教育是苏州睿趣教育科技有限公司旗下品牌。Suzhou Richee Education Technology Co., ltd locates beside Jinji Lake, the CBD of Suzhou., concentrating on kid English education and relating service provided. Headquarter is in Beijing with systematic management and standard training procedure. Suzhou Uncle Sam is also making efforts to develop a harmonious cross-culture working environment for each member. Now, we are looking for partners to join us with high enthusiasm in education and regard education as a serious career
苏州睿趣教育科技有限公司,位于苏州工业园区商业中心,美丽的金鸡湖畔,主要从事少儿英语的教学培训开发服务,得益于北京总部的统一化,制度化管理, 成熟的指导,我们不断努力为每一位苏州山姆大叔人创造和谐的跨文化工作氛围。校区现诚招,有志于从事教育事业的伙伴。我们通过以学生为中心、以教育成果为导向的课程,挖掘学生潜在的天赋,帮助每个学生实现他们的梦想。
Uncle Sam Education group is the world’s leading education group, covering development and promotion, training and certification, investment and management in various education areas, is committed to offering high quality English education for students of all ages, to promote authentic American English throughout China. Uncle Sam has been introduced into China since 2011. There are over 300 branches over wide China including kindergartens and English Training institutions.
山姆大叔教育集团 (UNCLESAM EDUCATION) 是全球领先的教育集团,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,业务覆盖教育产品的研发与推广、师资培训与认证、教育连锁投资与管理三大领域,致力于为各年龄层的学生提供优质的英语教育内容,把原汁原味的美式英语推广到全球。集团旗下拥有三个备受瞩目的教育品牌,包括:山姆大叔英语、山姆大叔幼儿园(UNCLESAM KINDERGARTEN)、山姆大叔双语幼小衔接(UNCLESAM PRESCHOOL)