昌道为昌道科技的简称是深圳市昌道科技有限公司旗下品牌。深圳市昌道科技有限公司位于福田中心区, 毗邻深圳莲花山, 国内公司成立于2008年, 昌道科技成立于2004年, 开展国际贸易业务 , 专营汽车原厂诊断和汽车原厂配件的进出口业务,
2011年6月份开始, 昌道科技在国内开始致力于提供德系宝马全车系全方位一站式的软件, 技术, 原厂配件, 原厂车主加装业务, 同时也致力于建立跨地域的国际水平产品供应链及服务配套;
2015.10月起签约成为意大利DIMSPORT公司中国区战略合作伙伴, 2017.11月DIMSPORT公司亚洲区合作伙伴;
2016.7启动自主研发品牌UNICHIP SMARTAUTO项目,布局全球智能车联市场,助攻德系奔驰 宝马 奥迪 保时捷和路虎豪华车型智能手机与原厂车辆导航系统连接CarPlay AndroidAuto Carlife等
2019 国家双高新高科技企业认证
About Unichip projects
Unichip Smartauto was a high tech project under AUTOSVS TECHNOLOGY.
our project started since 2013, focus on unique, smart, affordable solutions specialized to work with german manufacturers like BMW Mercedes Audi Porsche at automotive aftersales market. Our project infrastructure was R&D for IOT(Internet of Things) with 2years' efforts, now we got it released for the aftermarket with Apple CarPlay Google AndroidAuto functions proxy kit like OEM level, we already got the CIC and NBT works, the CCC project undergoing development, the system proxy works like OEM level with Apple CarPlay, Google AndroidAuto, Welink, Carlife, SYNC with the further future developments, all future upgrades will be via USB port, plug and play with the new future upgrades of Apple IOS 12.x 13.x ...
Autosvs Technology have been involved into the aftermarket industry since 2003 and we focused on BBAP (BMW Mercedes Audi Porsche) since 2008 on professional OEM diagnostic tools, technical training Monaco, we are working deeply with German manufacturers on professional diagnostic coding programming, ECU chip tuning, OEM retrofitting and upgrading, Unichip Smartauto projects RND (Research and Development). We are also active partners of DIMSport Texa Actia Bosch etc in mainland China market.