佛山市顺德区金泰...是佛山市顺德区金泰德胜电机有限公司旗下品牌。KDS隶属于全球知名电机企业日本Nidec Motor(尼得科电机)集团,在过去100多年历程里,为全球工业品牌提供控制及动力驱动解决方案。KDS 产品线涵盖了AC、DC以及直流无刷电机、永磁同步电机、泵、动力传动装置、变速箱产品等。
凭借国际化技术、国际化品质、国际化服务、国际化理念,KDS在世界专用电机市场范围内,得到了广大用户广泛的支持和信赖,已成长为业内有充足影响力的供应商之一。 展望未来,KDS将继续竭诚与上下游客户通力合作、互惠互利,为KDS的“动力科技、全球共享”而携手共进!
KDS is an operating unit of Nidec Motor Corporation, which is a leader in the world economy by providing products and technology solutions that exceed the expectations of our customers. KDS holds market leading position in the electric vehicle, elevator/escalator, commercial floor care, material handling, golf and utility vehicle, wind mill, aerial work platform and medical market segments.
KDS provides Nidec with a strong Asia base for the design, manufacturing and sales of products for domestic and international markets. KDS is dedicating to be the best in the industry, and provide excellent service and products to global customers.
All for dreams!