质本文化是北京质本文化传播有限公司旗下品牌。公司简介: magmode名堂由国际顶级时尚杂志主编、时装总监、作家、艺术家共同发起。每季联合来自欧洲、日本等国家的时尚媒体人、艺术家、设计师,在全球范围内挖掘、筛选,最终呈现出这一季最值得期待的设计师,并结合东方人体型,做出更符合亚洲人的版型调整。 magmode名堂因此不仅仅是一家时装集合店,更是一个探讨生活可能性的文化计划,并将通过工作坊、影像、出版等介质,戮力成为时尚文化的策源地和推动者。 Initiated by editor-in-chief of the world’s top fashion magazine, fashion director, writer and artist, Magmode collaborates each season with fashion publishers, artists and designers from fashion’s origins including Europe and Japan in order to find and select the most promising designers of the season. Given proper consideration to subtle details, each collection is tailored to best fit Asian figures. By offering a cultural initiative to discuss possibilities of life, Magmode redefines fashion boutique through various means including workshops, photos, videos and publications, with absolute dedication to become an incubator and advocate for fashion and culture. 公司地址:北京市朝阳区焦化路甲18号北京出版创意产业基地