Michelle Liu, Vice President of Tencent Games and CEO of Tencent Games Global. She joined Tencent in 2013 and led the mobile publishing business. She started to lead Tencent's global gaming business in 2019, focusing on developing global development and publishing capabilities. She has years of experience in the game industry including in global business expansion, mobile game business and strategic title publishing.
现任卓越工坊COO,负责工作室的日常管理工作,致力于打造AAA级游戏研发产能,支持与Tencent Games Global旗下优秀工作室的合作研发。同时担任Tencent Games Global研发规划总监,负责研发产线规划、产能扩充、产品评审等,努力为海外研发战略提供产能保障。
加入腾讯前,吴军曾担任炫踪网络COO & CTO ,及旗下A股上市公司众应互联(SZ002464)总经理,负责整个游戏业务。之前还创立过上海灵禅,担任CTO。在中国游戏产业蓬勃发展的早期,吴军曾担任Ubisoft上海工作室的人工智能部经理,参与制作《雷曼》、《彩虹精英》、《幽灵行动》等多款AAA游戏。