Shenzhen Dibet Technology Co., Ltd. is an intelligent hardware R & D and production of high-tech companies, adhere to the people-centered, based on the theme of Sports, Fashion, Health, harmony of smart life. Our vision is to create an interesting, comfortable, healthy and environmentally friendly intelligent environment for our users.
Relying on Intelligent Electronic Research Center of Shenzhen Alliance of Colleges, We have the first class intelligent hardware research and development team, dedicated to the research and development smart product of traditional life
More than 6 years of experience in intelligent hardware products, and more than 10 years long-term service for the European and American industries in the high-end customers. We hope to establish a strategic partnership with global customers.
公司产品:公司主营①DBT SMART品牌:3C智能穿戴智能手环手表和智能手环及其他智能电子产品(健康加运动类);②DBT POWER新能源:便携式太阳能发电站、一体化太阳能电池板、太阳能户用电源系统的综合解决方案提供商。
1、提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利待遇以“能”定薪,能者多拿; 以“绩”定奖,提供有激励性的绩效奖金、年终奖金。
2、优厚的福利待遇:五险一金; 假期:严格遵守国家劳动法规,为每位员工提供国家法定的假期及带薪年假。 奖金:每月会给工作表现突出的优秀员工一定金额的现金奖励以此鼓励。