公司是一家大型旅游景点开发和运营商,公司的业务最早从2007年开始,短短10年时间公司投资版图先后扩展到中国五岳中的南岳衡山和北岳恒山、以及长白山、张家界、八达岭长城、还有世界文化遗产的军事古堡和海南文昌航天主题公园等著名历史风景名胜区。同时公司与ProFun、Horwath、TIM J.DELANEY、AECOM、ACSI、Chateauform等多家国际性专业公司建立了合作平台,为员工提供国际合作和出国培训的机会。业务广泛涉及大型景区、度假目的地、主题公园、博物馆等领域。公司依托国有企业的背景,更融入了创业企业的文化,以及国际化的视野,致力于为游客提供无与伦比的旅游度假体验以及高品质的运营服务。
Legend is established in 2007. During the past ten years. L Company has invested in several well-known tourism destinations, including Hengshan, Zhangjiajie, Badaling Great Wall, and Hainan Aerospace Theme Park. We exclusively focus on well-established mature scenic sights, to create "have to" visitor experience through innovation and to provide high-quality facilities and services to visitors, we are cooperating with these international venders, such as ProFun, Horwath, Tim J. DELAMEY, AECOME, ASCI, and Chateauform. Company positions itself to be the developer and operator of well-established mature scenic sights. And to realize the vision of "Activate History, Ultimate Nature " through high-quality visitor experience created by integration of international and domestic business resources. The products mainly include Culture Attractions, RD&E (Retail + Dinning + Entertainment), Flying theater, Museum, Show park, Transportation, Leisure accommodation and etc to provide outstanding visitor experiences with high quality service.
更多信息请访问公司网站: http://www.legendcdc.com/