·锐驰始终信奉“少则得、多则惑”的产品设计理念,将人本主义设计观根植于产品的每个细节里。品牌口号“Design for Desire(为欲望而生)”,彰显了锐驰的核心品牌价值——对消费者情感诉求的持续关爱。
·About CAMERICH:As a high-end furniture brand with an international vision, CAMERICH is committed to building a premium "modern lifestyle". It offers more than 100 products through the sitting room, bedroom, study and dining room product lines.
·CAMERICH believes in "Less is More", and highlights the "people-first" principle in every aspect of its product design. Its brand slogan "Design for Desire" conveys its core brand value--continued focus on the emotional appeal of the consumers.
·As an international brand, CAMERICH maintains a global business network, including 48 stores in UK, USA, Germany, Australia, Belgium and Singapore, in addition to 45 franchise outlets in more than 30 cities across China.