攀时高性能材料是攀时(上海)高性能材料有限公司旗下品牌。 攀时上海荣获2023上海最适宜工作的职场、雇主品牌研究所2023 DEI雇主50强(中国地区)及Kenexa颁发的“2023年***人力资源团队”奖ACT(Appreciation、Commitment、Trust)企业文化
Plansee Shanghai was awarded the best place to work 2023” , Employer Branding Institute 2023 DEI Top 50 Employers (China)and “Best HR and Admin Team 2023” ,
“and ACT Company Culture
The Austria Plansee Group – a leader in powder metallurgy high-performance materials – covers the production of the entire value chain, from ore to customer-specific products. Since 1921, we have been researching and developing innovative products made of refractory metals, alloys and their composites and introducing them to the market. We combine superior material technology and extensive experience with a wide range of applications to ensure that our customers are one step ahead with our competence and strength.
The Austria Plansee Group– creating new prospects. We all know the reality that only by having the courage to cross different fields can we break new ground. At the Plansee Group, we constantly inspire our customers and set their sights on new prospects.
Even if you feel that your current position is not suitable for you, please visit our company's official account to join Plansee.