我们所有产品和服务的核心是ComSmart Exchange 互联网受众数据交易中心。ComSmart Exchange每天都在将来自不同渠道的庞大数量的消费者网络行为和态度数据进行有效地整合分析,并为互联网广告、营销、和市场研究提供强大的数据支持。
The ComRatings Group is a leading Internet Data Activation Platform that measure over 1billion adverting impressions each day, track the digital campaigns of 500+ leading brands each week, manage and optimize the digital profiles and attributes of over 300 million unqiue audience each month, and improve over 40% of effectiveness each year.
We provide the data, analytics and on-demand software solutions that enable brand marketers and advertising & research agencies to better understand the target audience, retain the loyal customers, and acquire the new customers. Our solution includes: advertising measurement; social listening; audience measurement; data management platform (DMP).
At the core of the ComRatings data platform is the ComSmart Exchange. Leveraging the leading real-time digital audience measurement technology and over one million multiple-sources clickstream panel pool in China, the proprietary ComSmart Data Exchange of ComRatings combines a huge amount of behavior data from differing channels every day to enable the more effective online advertising and marketing.
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传真:+86 21 50272831