DOM是深圳市迪欧恩设计有限公司旗下品牌。深圳市迪欧恩设计有限公司成立于2013年,专注于为各酒店品牌及商业定制项目 提供创新而稳重的设计服务。公司创立以来长期与国际一线设计单位及高端项目的战略合作,使我们拥有新颖、国际化视角的美学精神及行为标准,创造出一个个温暖又别具一格的空间。鼓励用户与空间之间的对话,创造出人与空间更有意义的相处方式,以创意到落地的桥梁落实设计意图,保证创意的最大实现度。
About us
Shenzhen DOM Design Co.Ltd established in 2013. DOM focuses on providing innovative and sedate design conception services for hotel brands and other custom projects. Ever since our establishment, we maintain a long term strategic cooperation with international top design companies and high-end project, endowing us a original and international perspective aesthetics spirit. With this advantage, we have created a number of warm but unique space. We encourage the dialogue between users and space, creating more meaningful way for people and space to get along with and implement the design intent with a bridge from creativity to implementation, so as to fully achieve creative ideas.
公司网址 微信公众号:DOMDESIGN
地 址:深圳市福田区保税区市花路8号和合大厦T8旅游创意园一楼102(南门)进来20米左转一楼)
电 话:0755-83231090