福成货代是福成国际货运代理(深圳)有限公司厦门分公司旗下品牌。福成集团是一个从事海运,空运,进出口国际货物运输的货运代理集团。集团于1981年在台湾成立,总部位于香港,目前已在新加坡、越南、上海、深圳、广州、厦门、宁波、青岛、天津设立了分公司,福州设有办事处。公司拥有NVOCC(中国无船承运人资格)及美国FMC等证书,并与多家船公司签有合约,MAERSK, MSC, YML, WANHAI, EMC, OOCL, NYK等建立起长期而深厚的合作关系,使我们的价格及服务极具市场竞争力。同时我司与许多知名的国际货运代理公司均建立了密切的业务联系,国际网络遍布欧洲、美洲、澳洲、东南亚、韩国,日本。
FFC group head office is located in Hong Kong and started trading in 1989 under the name of Fortune Freight. Since this date we have grown considerably and now have wholly owned branch offices located in Taipei, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin and Fuzhou. We are still a family run business and retain these values that have made us grow strong.
FFC is managed by a team of professionals who are well versed in all aspects of the transportation chain covering marketing, documentation, operations, accounting and qualify-assurance systems. With FFC, we will ensure delivery of your goods to destinations worldwide using a variety of transport modes including air, road, and sea to suit your clients needs.
At FFC, we cater for the full spectrum of freight forwarding services from airfreight to customs brokering and we pride ourselves on the quality of our service and competitiveness of our rates.