新得澳是上海新得澳商贸有限公司旗下品牌。xd connects (Shanghai) co.,ltd. is a trading company with headquarter in Holland and offices around the world.The company has more than 20 years experience in exporting tools, gifts & premium from China to more than 40 countries worldwide. In 1999 our China operation received an ISO9002 certificate from Tuv Rheinland (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, and in 2003 we also successfully passed ISO9001_58_2000 audit.
xd connects (Shanghai) co.,ltd.是荷兰xd connects BV集团下属的中国业务子公司。xd connects BV创立于1986年(原名XINDAO),是全球知名的个人和企业礼赠品集成供应商,拥有成熟的管理流程、研发体系,和业内良好口碑。旗下零售设计品牌XDDESIGN是全球安全出行包袋类的领军者,在全球60多个国家均有出色的销售业绩和用户口碑。