万泽集团是万泽集团有限公司旗下品牌。 万泽集团创始于1995年,是以高科技、医药和地产为核心业务的综合性集团企业。旗下有深交所上市公司万泽股份(000534),万泽医药连锁,万药网,万泽地产,万泽物业,随着产业升级,万泽集团近些年成立了深汕特别合作区万泽精密铸造科技有限公司,深圳市万泽航空科技有限责任公司,深圳市万泽中南研究院有限公司,万泽长沙精密铸造中心,上海万泽精密铸造有限公司,全国各万泽办事处等,负责航空发动机零件研发生产,承载着军民融合的历史使命,标志着企业发展进入了一个新高度。
Founded in 1995, Wedge has grown as a comprehensive group cored with sophisticated technology, medicine care and real estates, and embraces outstanding members as Wedge Industrial (Stock Code 000534), listed in SZSE, Wedge Medicine Chain, 10000 Yao.com, Wedge Real Estates and Wedge Property Management.Wedge Group, in line with the industrial upgrading and stepping onto another level, has incorporated Shenzhen Wedge Aero Technology Co., Ltd , Wedge Precision Instrument Co., Ltd , Wedge Institute of Central South Co., Ltd ,Wanze changsha precision casting center ,Shanghai wanze precision casting co and Wedge Office of the whole country.LTD to manage the research and production of aero engine components, thus answering the call of military duty and civil wishes.