食尚国味饮食管理是广州市食尚国味饮食管理有限公司旗下品牌。 食尚国味集团始创于1998年,以“山东老家”为起点,开启了集团化发展。现集团旗下有山东老家、陶陶居、山东老家小馆、滋粥楼小馆、悦海食品厂、名门华宴、方盒科技、燕语茶业、东源堂国医馆、蔚析生物科技等十余个品牌,分布在广东、上海、山东、福建、四川等多个省份。集团产业包括餐饮、团餐、食品、茶业、大健康、医疗等多个行业。
Founded in 1998, Fashion Gourmet Groupfirst started with Shining Town Restaurant and has developed into aconglomerate of catering, dining, tea, and healthcaregroups. Fashion Gourmet Groupoperates its businesses in provinces such as Guangdong, Shandong, Fujian andSichuan. Its brands include Shining Town Restaurant, Tao Tao Ju, Fisherman,Shining Town Restaurant Junior, Mingmen Huayan, Happy Family, DongshangSeafood, Zhou Bai Wei, Box Time, Yanyu Tea, Dong Yuan Tang TCM House.
Fashion Gourmet Group keeps abreast of thetimes and integrates the development of its brands with fashion, technology andculture, while recognizing and maintaining theimportance of its cultural foundation. We treat our staff and guests withrespect, and operate our businesses with honesty and integrity; We foster apeople-centered workplace that encourageinnovation and self-motivation; We provide a platform for win-win cooperationand aim to become an enterprise that its staff and customers are proud of.
Fashion Gourmet Group is well-recognized inthe industry and has won many municipal and provincial accolades.