康语是康语商务咨询(上海)有限公司旗下品牌。The CareVoice is a Shanghai-based insurtech dedicated to making health insurance more human. We help insurers address key issues in the fast-growing health insurance market: mistrust of consumers for healthcare services; gap of existing digital solutions in insurance adoption, customer relationship, and data collection; profitability concerns due to high cost of medical services and human-intensive processes; lack of customized insurance products. Our solutions have been driving positive business impact through additional sales growth, higher renewal rates, and greater savings through recommendations to cost-effective medical centers as well as digitalization of customer service and claims. We are financially backed by top China-based and overseas Software, FinTech and Healthcare investment funds. To learn more about The CareVoice, please visit us at http://www.thecarevoice.com/.
康语是一家致力于帮助保险公司打造更加人性化健康险产品的保险科技公司。我们帮助保险公司在快速发展的健康险市场中高效解决三个痛点:消费者对医疗健康服务不信任;现有数字解决方案在保单使用、客户关系和数据收集等方面的不足;由高昂的医疗服务成本和人力成本带来的盈利问题;缺乏定制化的保险产品。通过引导保险用户选择高性价比的医疗服务机构以及便捷获取多种在线健康管理服务等方式在降低理赔率的同时提升续保率,最终帮助保险公司实现销售收入的增长。我们还得到了海内外金融科技和医疗健康等领域的顶级投资机构的支持。 要了解更多康语的信息,请访问http://www.thecarevoice.com/。