波捷特是波捷特(北京)建筑设计顾问有限公司旗下品牌。Progetto CMR
Progetto CMR, established in 1994 by Arch. Massimo Roj, is the largest Italian integrated design firm, ranked in the World’s Top 100 architectural firms.
Progetto CMR headquarters is in Milan, with offices in Rome, Prague, Moscow, Istanbul, Jakarta, Beijing, Tianjin, Singapore, Athens, Bahrain and Ho Chi Minh. Progetto CMR is a member of the EAN (European Architects Network).
In 2003 Progetto CMR began its operation in China, opening operative offices in Beijing and Tianjin, providing consultancies for urban planning, architectural design, space planning and interior design. Thanks to a multicultural and multi-disciplinary approach, its international design team provides innovative design schemes tailored to the needs of the Chinese market for residential, hotel, office, industrial, retail and public spaces projects. In 2016, Progetto CMR was ranked in “the Top 10 Most Influential Design Firms in China”.