欧懋广告是上海欧懋广告有限公司旗下品牌。 上海欧懋广告有限公司成立于2005年,深耕广告展览行业十六载,构建了从品牌公关、创意设计到展览制作完整的服务体系。公司在北上广均设有大型展览制作工厂,且吸纳了拥有20余年展览展示服务经验的精英团队。凭借新颖的概念设计、精细的落地实施和为世界500强企业提供全球化服务的专业经验,深得行业客户的认可与信赖。
As a subsidiary of the Oumao International Group, Shanghai Oumao International Advertising Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive advertising agency, which integrates creativity, design, execution, post-production and brand support.
Oumao International Advertising Co., Ltd. gathers elites from across the world.. With “Strategic Vision Expression” and “Groundbreaking Creative Design”, it successfully builds brand images representing core brand concepts and competitiveness for customers. It offers tailored design, professional services, outstanding international teams and quality products.、 With its excellent performance and unique creativity, Oumao International Advertising Co., Ltd. serves various well-known enterprises in good faith. It helps convey the latest ideas of different brand cultures in the advertising field and deliver customer values in high efficiency, thereby steadily promoting Oumao's reputation.
Oumao Advertising aimes to make customers’ dreams come true and create a brand-new future! www.oumaointl.com