普舫企业管理咨询...是普舫企业管理咨询(上海)有限公司北京分公司旗下品牌。普舫企业管理咨询有限公司是一家致力于为商业、人力资源和财务服务领域猎聘高级人才的亚洲猎头公司。普舫表现卓越,屡获殊荣。 我们对本地市场的经验积累与灵活的招聘方式,使我们在中国和亚洲市场,拥有显著的优势。 我们的业务部门遍布上海、北京、香港、日本和新加坡。经验丰富的团队拥有世界各地的招聘知识和经验, 我们的本地团队能为客户提供量身定做、专业贴心的招聘方案。
Profile is an award-winning, Asia-focused executive search and selection firm with dedicated expertise in senior-level appointments within the financial services, professional services, insurance and commercial sectors. Our regional market knowledge combined with our flexible search approach puts us at a substantial advantage given the tight market conditions and unique nature of the recruitment landscape in Asia. With offices in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Shanghai and Beijing, our team of experienced professionals brings together recruitment knowledge gained from around the world, enabling us to use our regional expertise to offer clients a professional and tailored recruitment solution.