驭亟汽配是临海市驭亟汽车配件有限公司旗下品牌。临海市驭亟汽车配件有限公司于2009年成立于浙江省临海市,主营汽车配件的生产制造和进出口业务,产品主要销往欧美发达国家。 我公司自产的高性能汽车冷却系统,涡轮增压系统,中冷系统和进气系统管路在欧美市场享有很高的声誉和稳定的客户群。
为了打造自有国际高性能管路品牌"GT HOSE", 公司一直致力于产品的不断创新,质量的严格管控和信用的持续积累,在公司生产,采购,质量和销售团队所有成员共同协作下,驭亟汽配已经在汽车硅胶管生产和销售处于领先地位,位居2016年阿里巴巴信保交易数据10强。
公司产品主要市场包括: 美国,英国,德国,日本,荷兰,瑞典,加拿大等欧美和亚洲发达国家;
公司销售拓展主要渠道: 阿里巴巴国际站,美国拉斯维加斯汽车改装SEMA展,上海法兰克福汽配展,德国法兰克福汽配展
当前销售团队构成: 外销业务员2名, 单证员1名,内勤跟单员1名, 为了拓展业务需要先需补充外销业务员6名,营销支持经理1名,欢迎应届毕业生和有行业经验的人员加入我们的销售团队,如有疑问,敬请来电来函咨询,或者登陆公司以下网址获取更多信息。
With the brand name of GT hose, Linhai Yuji Auto Parts Co., Ltd is a professional silicon hose manufacturer who owns advanced manufacturing techniques , experienced silicon hose making workers, and aggressive management team of engineering, quality control, sales, and purchasing. GT Hose is top quality, best service and real value oriented to be one of the outstanding hose manufacturers in the world. Our hoses are widely used in auto performance, trucks, buses, marine, agriculture, and construction. We worked with our business partners and customers across world to provide top quality hoses and expertise to all end users. We are proud of all our partners' expertise and experience in auto performance, auto parts distributors and OEs, It is their new idea sharing, collaborative innovation and constant support what makes GT hose successful, reliable too.