深圳市环球数码科...是深圳市环球数码科技有限公司旗下品牌。环球数码科技有限公司(以下简称“GDC”),创立于1999年,是行业领先的数字影院解决方案供应商,致力于面向全球电影行业开发、生产和销售数字影院服务器、存储系统、影院管理系统和数字影院网络操作中心软件。 其影院服务器及影院管理系统的市场份额在亚洲排行第一、全球第二。全球每三家电影院中,便有一家使用GDC的影院服务器或影院管理系统。总部位于香港的GDC,在世界各地设有14个办事处和29个服务中心。
GDC在世界各地包括中国和美国拥有29项产品专利。公司自成立以来,在业界获奖无数。 2016、2017及2018年连续三年, GDC获得美国 “Digital Cinema Report Catalyst Award”之创新技术的殊荣,及2016年赢得CineAsia年度技术创新先锋奖。过去20年来,GDC产品同样备受尊崇,多次获颁国际大奖。于2017年8月,GDC的影院管理系统就被印度最大型的业界展览会 - Big Cine Expo - 选为年度创新技术并授予奖项。
Global Digital Technology Company (hereinafter to be referred as GDC) , was founded in 1999. GDC is one of leading Digital Cinema Solutions Provider during the Digital Cinema Technology, which dedicates to global cinema industry development, product and sell digital cinema server, storage system, cinema management system and digital cinema Network Operation Center software. The market share of GDC’s film server and cinema management system ranks first in the Asia and second in the world. One out of three cinema in the world adopt GDC’s server or management system.
Headquartered in Hong Kong, it has 14 offices and 29 customer service centers around the world.
GDC have owned 29 patents around the world. Since its establishment, it has got numerous prizes in the Digital Cinema Area, owning the Technology and Innovation Medal of US “Digital Cinema Report Catalyst Award” in a row in 2016,2017and 2018 and it also received the annual Innovation Technology Pioneer Award in 2016 at CineAsia.