平湖亿隆是平湖亿隆旅游用品有限公司旗下品牌。24-7 International is one of the few companies that has integrated manufacturing, importing, design and wholesale into one system. This type of vertical integration allows both increased efficiency and product control. With the increase in efficiency, we have successfully shortened the industry product development cycle from 12 months to only 3 months. Luggage as a product has never been as close to the trends of fashion as they are with us today。
24-7 International一家以经营箱包,工具包,户外用品等旅行用品为主的生产贸易为一体化的跨国企业,平湖亿隆公司为其全资子公司。深耕美国市场20余年。拥有10多个高中低档自有品牌和代理品牌,大部分客户是美国线下连锁超市。在美国东,美西有均有自己的仓库。我们的线下超市一年销售在1亿美金左右。线上在年销售额在1000万美金左右。