昂翼物流是上海昂翼国际物流有限公司旗下品牌。ONWINGS logistics Co. Ltd was established in 2005. It is a class “A” freight forwarding company in China with licenses approved by various government authorities.
As an international forwarder specialized in automotive industry, ONWINGS offers wide range of logistics services, mainly air freight, charter services, also customs brokerage, packing, warehousing, domestic distribution and other professional services.
Cooperate with SAIC, SVW, GAC FIAT, Ford Motor and other car manufactures in different fields. We are the core supplier for SVW and won excellent Service Performer awards several times.
上海昂翼国际物流有限公司于2005年在上海成立, 是一家经中华人民共和国权威机构批准的从事国际和地区航空货物运输服务的一级国际货运代理企业。作为一家专业从事汽车行业的国际货运代理公司,公司提供广泛的物流服务,主要包括空运、包机、报关、仓储、多式联运及综合大型物流等全套服务。同大众集团,上汽,广汽菲亚特,福特汽车等汽车主机和零配件厂都有不同层次的合作。作为上汽大众的核心空运和机场地面供应商,多次获得最佳供应商奖项。