NEWPORT创立于1969年,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州尔湾市,于2016年4月成为MKS 万机仪器集团下属公司。Newport具备全球公认的先进技术、产品和解决方案,致力于生命健康科学、航天国防、工业制造、半导体、微电子技术等研究领域。 我们超48年的技术专长和经验,使我们在众多领域不断推出创新的产品和优质的解决方案,如:激光光源,光电机械部件及安装,滤光片和光栅,光谱学仪器,振动控制,运动系统,先进的定制系统等。我们的光谱物理公司具有被广泛认可的最顶尖的激光技术,并且为世界各地的7 0多个国家的不同客户服务。
无锡公司地址: 江苏无锡新吴区综合保税区J3-8厂房
北京公司地址: 北京市海淀区中关村东路66号1号楼20层2305
Newport Opto-Electronics Technologies (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. is located in Wuxi High-tech Development Zone. With the introduction of the world's sophisticated equipment and instruments, the company provides quality services with first-class application design and manufacturing assembly.
Beijing Newport Spectra-Physics Technologies Co.,Ltd is located in Zhong Guancun, Beijing. As a mainly sales and service company located in mainland China, Beijing Newport Spectra-Physics introduced world-class laser technology into China.
We are dedicated to continuously evolving your knowledge and experience in order to deliver innovative We are dedicated to continuously evolving your knowledge and experience in order to deliver innovative products and expertise that advance our customers' technologies.
Wuxi Company Address: Lot J3-8 , Export Processing Zone, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu ProvinceChina
Beijing Company Address: No.1 Building, 20-2305,No.66 Zhong guancun East Road, Haidian District, Beijing