西安超嗨是西安超嗨网络科技有限公司旗下品牌。 超嗨网络科技有限公司是新零售时代的开拓者和领导者,凭借AI与大数据技术打造中国首台无人结算车,成为提供商超新零售、大数据、精准营销服务的先行者。我们的使命是重塑零售效率, 让线下购物充满乐趣。
截至目前,超嗨已经与物美、多点、日本trail、京东、华润、沃尔玛、美团、天猫等商超品牌建立合作, 服务大型超市超过10家,跨越7个省市和国家,为其提供新零售整体解决方案。
目前,西安超嗨拥有员工人数50+,核心团队人员拥有10年以上大数据、人工智能和电商运营等领域经验。除西安总部外, 超嗨将在北京、深圳设立分支机构。我们的愿景是成为全球最大的新零售与大数据服务提供商。
Xi’an Superhii Network Technology Co., Ltd. was established in August 2015. With the help of big data and AI technology, it developed China’s first smart shopping cart. Using Superhii smart shopping cart as the carrier and big data as the core driving force, Superhii Group has created a big data platform and intelligent marketing platform , providing industry chain partners with cutting-edge new retail services, big data services, and intelligent marketing services.
Superhii Group has provided a full range of new retail solutions for many well-known retailers around the world, and has been widely recognized and appreciated. Superhii Group committed themselves to working on the new retail field and bringing better quality services and new technological experiences to more retail industries.