上海昊龙房产是上海昊龙房产经纪有限公司旗下品牌。 JRE为全球性跨国企业和在华外籍人士提供综合的、全面的、高附加值的房地产品牌服务和各类物业一站式的租赁、买卖及投资服务项目和解决方案。JRE为外资公司和个人提供专业真诚、经验丰富、追求卓越的房屋中介/安家服务,服务内容包括代理租赁、移居安家、城市向导、楼盘巡视、业务谈判、代收代付、搬家服务、排忧解难服务等等。
Established in 1993, Joanna Real Estate has rapidly expanded to become one of the largest luxury residential service providers, covering most of China's major cities including Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou and many second tier cities throughout China. Our focus is on providing our clients with and efficient, friendly and professional service. With over 450 highly trained expatriate & local professionals countrywide, speaking a multitude of languages, we are able to provide a stress free and efficient relocation experience to any individual looking to move to China. Our service scope has broadened over the years to include our Immigration Service, providing visas and work permits to our foreign clients coming to live and work in China.
[经营理念]:争做行业先锋,引领服务标准。恪守***标准的服务理念。珍惜公司和个人的信誉, 同客人建立长期的合作关系。本土知识和国际视野的高度结合
1、 我们尊重每一位员工的个性和发展机会;
2、 各司其责,对结果负责;
3、 我们不允许信息缓慢到达;
4、 我们的荣誉来自每一位客户的认同;
5、 用创新的思考方式来超越目标;
6、 提升专业化素养,提供专业化服务,塑造专业化公司形象;
7、 我们的追求是给每一位客户提供管家式的服务,并依靠点点滴滴,持之以恒的努力追求,使我们成为行业翘楚