首汽GoFun出行是北京首汽智行科技有限公司成都分公司旗下品牌。企业介绍Company Profile
北京首汽智行科技有限公司由北京首汽(集团)股份有限公司(简称“首汽集团”)控股,主打品牌 “Gofun出行”是首汽集团针对移动出行推出的一款新能源共享汽车产品,同时是 “绿色出行”、“共享经济”商业模式的全新尝试。随着新能源技术的发展以及国家对新兴产业政策的推动,新能源车共享汽车将拥有良好可期的发展前景。Gofun出行对促进新能源汽车推广应用、推动汽车共享模式创新发展、降低私人小客车使用强度、缓解交通拥堵和减少交通污染排放等方面具有重要意义,被评选为首汽集团、首旅集团及北京市国资委的优秀创新项目。
GoFun 首汽共享汽车 as Chinas biggest Car Sharing Platform is revolutionizing the way people move and travel. Operating in 55 cities cross China and operating the worlds biggest new energy fleet with over 30.000 cars, our mission is to bring our customers the mobility they want, when and where they want it, with the best customer service and convenience in the industry while reducing traffic congestions and traffic pollution emissions of private passenger cars through our car sharing model. We as GoFun stand on the shoulders of true giants, backed by our parent companies and strategic investors Shouqi Group, Beijing Tourism Group and Volkswagen Group, we unite leading industry knowledge with cutting edge technology, next generation mobility with our world class customer service, the vision of a pioneer and start up with the operational excellence of companies that have build the car and rental industry decades ago. We proudly serve over 6 million customers, being an integral part of their daily commute and serving their mobility needs throughout the day, every day.