斯堪的亚是斯堪的亚电子(上海)有限公司旗下品牌。Elektroskandia China
Elektroskandia China was established in Shanghai in 1999, an operation company of Sonepar Group.
Elektroskandia’s focus of its business is based on telecom network equipment OEM & telecom operators who outsource parts of/or the entire management of their installation material supply chain management and sourcing. Elektroskandia China has long experience of being a professional strategic partner for our customers – with global delivery capabilities within the Sonepar group. In recent years, Elektroskandia China has extended its business to sustainable energy to enrich its business area.
People are our key assets and should you keen to take on an exciting, rewarding yet challenge role at Elektroskandia China we would like to hear from you.
You can learn more about Elektroskandia China at www.elektroskandia.com.cn
And also you can learn more about our Group Sonepar at www.sonepar.com.cn
斯堪的亚电子(上海)有限公司成立于1999 年, 2008 年加入索能达集团成 年加入索能达集团成 为旗下亚太区重要的成员公司之一。
十多年的市场探索,奠定了斯堪亚中国 十多年的市场探索,奠定了斯堪亚中国 “一站式解决方案 ”的业务模式,市 的业务模式,市 场聚焦于电信和可再生资源两大行业。
斯堪的亚中国致力于为客户提供创新性服务,优化供应链的可视性、灵活性和收益性。通过提供高水平的服务不断满足客户需求, 为客户提升供应链价,优化运营效率,将总体成本控制在低水平上。
索能达集团官网 索能达集团官网 :www.sonepar.com.cn