As a tech-driven retail company, Meituan has a strategic focus on "Retail + Technology" and adheres to our mission of "We help people eat better, live better".
Since its establishment in March 2010, Meituan has advanced the digital upgrading of services and goods retail on both supply and demand side. Together with our partners we provide quality services for consumers. On 20 September, 2018, Meituan was listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Meituan has been and always will be a customer obsessed company, and we will continue to increase our R&D investment in new technologies. Meituan will collaborate with all partners to fulfill our social responsibility and create more values for the society.
2010年 美团网上线
2011年 美团App发布
2012年 推出电影票选座预订业务
2013年 推出酒店预订业务和外卖业务
2015年 自建配送团队,满足餐饮外卖高时效要求
2017年 扩展即时配送服务至生鲜和非餐外卖
2018年 美团(股票代码:3690.HK)在港交所挂牌上市;推出共享单车服务
2020年 捐赠2亿元,设立全国医护人员支持关怀专项基金;发布无接触配送标准,并推出多项抗疫及支持复产复工举措
2021年 公司战略升级为“零售+科技”
2010 Meituan.com launched
2011 Meituan app launched
2012 Movie ticket ordering service launched
2013 Hotel ordering and food delivery service launched
2015 Delivery teams established to offer efficient and on-time food delivery services
2017 On-time delivery service extended to fresh and non-food delivery
2018 IPO on HKEX (HKEX: 3690); bike-sharing service launched